We have over 93 staff members on site (teachers, para-professionals, Front of Office Staff, gardener, cleaners) – a Manager of Corporate Services (MCS), 3 Deputy Principals and a Principal.
These Teams are Year Level Teams, with a teacher leader operating each team to
Each Learning Area (subject area) is represented by a Team, which consists of a teacher member from each year level across the school from K-6. These Teams recommend to the Leadership Team changes/amendments at the end of each year for the following year’s targets/standards.
This Team is the teaching staff leadership group that oversees all recommendations coming from all Teams in the school. The membership consists of Level 3 Teachers, Team Leaders and Executive members – the combination of the Team is 4 Executive and 10 teacher leaders.
The Principal, Deputies and MCS provide the direction and support for all staff to perform their roles to the best of their abilities, while guiding the school into the future through staff consultation and whole-school decision-making.
This Team guides teachers to work smarter and not harder through four basic principles – Common UNDERSTANDINGS, Common STRATEGIES, common LANGUAGE and common ASSESSMENT, using high quality care and best pedagogical practices.
This Team is the link between caring and supporting staff health, while understanding the clear line between caring for others and caring for oneself. This Team is also responsible for student health and performs both tasks through careful advice, guidelines and best practice care. Coming out of the ‘COVID bubble’ has left many people with mental health issues and a definitive break from our norm in living with each other. We will be attempting to bridge that gap once more.
This Team works with teachers to share experience and skill in teaching strategies across the Learning Areas, whether Graduates or experienced teachers. This is a group of supporters for staff and are seen by them as mentors and trainers. This is a very valued team in the school.
The team plans for the professional learning and development of teachers across the school to ensure all staff understand and are trained in all Plans and Policies for the school.
This team was developed to provide a voice in education for parents by planning for outside agencies/individuals to provide learning opportunities of the community, such as Cyber Bullying, Teaching Reading at Home, Helping our Child with Mathematics, and so on.
This is a vital link in our development of a strong and lasting partnership between school and home.
We have several teachers with parents working together on this Team. The parents were openly nominated by the Caladenia community.
Teachers are a support group for this Senior Student Executive Team and assist them by training the group in meeting procedures, leadership skills and collaborative work. They work with Captains nominated from each year level (Year 1-6) in a whole School Council, bringing ideas, plans and discussions forward to the Executive Team. Each and every input is responded to with rationale and suggestions on how to make the change.