Dear Parents/Caregivers,
This term has certainly been busy!
As the term comes to a close, it is good to look back and see what we have accomplished. We started the term with NAIDOC Week and the assembly, the Yr 4 AQWA Excursion, the Yr 5 Scitech Excursion, the MAC class Pawsey Research Centre Excursion as well as the MAC Great Debate, the well-loved Book Parades and Book Fair, our Parent Open Night, the Science and Technology Week, our Student Executive visit to Parliament House, Student Elections for 2025, the P&C Fathers’ Day Stalls, our Choir’s inclusion in One Big Voice, the Interschool Cross Country, the Kindy Farm Incursion, R U Okay? Day and finishing off with swimming lessons. We hope you have enjoyed them all and thank our P&C as well as our staff for all their planning and assistance in organising and running these events.
As I’m sure you know, the school holidays start this afternoon and the school will be unattended from Monday, 23 September until we come back to school on Monday, 7 October. We hope you all have a lovely break and enjoy some time together. We have included some community events in the newsletter that you may be interested in attending – they are free, though you may need to book. Once again, we are asking our local community members to keep a watch over our school during the holiday period. If you see or hear anything unusual at the school, can you please call the Police or School Watch Security. The Police can be contacted on 13 14 44 and School Watch can be contacted on 1800 177 777 (free call).
Next term we will start the first week with the School Athletics Carnival. The jumps and throws are organised for Tuesday, 8 October and the whole School Carnival with the other events will be on Friday, 11 October. The Pre-Primary students will have their events in the Kindy and Pre-Primary play area at 11am, so if you have children in Pre-Primary please go down and watch their events. Our teaching and sports staff have been working hard in organising the events and placed posters around the school with a Q-Code outlining the programs for both days. The P&C have organised for a coffee van and are trying to get volunteers to assist in delivering Boost Juice drinks to the children in the bays, so if you can help out, we would really appreciate it.
We hope that parents and families are able to come and enjoy the day with us.
Please remember that we have a Staff Development Day organised for Week 3 Friday, 25 October – so the students do not come to school on that day. Our staff will be involved in Professional Learning as well as reviewing our results and planning.
We hope that you all have a great break, and we look forward to seeing you all next term!
Kind regards,
Paula Asplin
Acting Principal
School News
Student Achievement
Pia, a member of the Forefront Gymnastics national team, recently competed in the WA Gymnastics Judges Invitational against 60 other top-level gymnasts. Her dedication and hard work paid off as she earned the gold medal, excelling in all apparatus. Pia’s impressive performance has secured her a spot in the upcoming WA State Championships in October. Congratulations Pia on your wonderful achievement. At Caladenia, we love showcasing our students’ sporting achievements and events, as well as any other interests that they would like to share with our Caladenia Community. If you have something your child would like to share, please email along with photos to the email address below:
R U OK? Day
Caladenia embraced R U Okay? Day in conjunction with the Blue Tree Project on Thursday 12 September. Both of these organisations promote the encouragement of people speaking up when they are experiencing mental health concerns and build trust to normalise having meaningful conversations about how they are.
We were able to find a tree in the Kindy and PP area, which needed a ‘blue lease on life’ and painted it blue as a regular reminder to all about the importance of reaching out. We also provided all our students and teachers with an R U OK? Wristband and staff and students all wore blue to promote being aware of others’ wellbeing.
Please remember to contact Lifeline for support if you or anyone you know is experiencing a personal crisis on 13 11 14.
Class News
Pre Primary Room 4 – Mrs Hemingway
This term in PP2, Room 4, we have been learning about Fairy Tales. We have enjoyed reading lots of different stories with some of our favourites being Jack and the Beanstalk, The Three Little Pigs and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We have been discovering all about the characters and different settings in these stories as well as identifying the problem and solution in each one. It has been fun to complete different activities like designing a bridge for The Three Billy Goats Gruff, sequencing pictures from the story, writing lists for Little Red Riding Hood and retelling the stories in our own words.
Year 2 Room 22 – Miss Chan
In Year 2 Room 22, students explored 2D shapes and their properties in an exciting and collaborative way! They quizzed each other using the Quiz-Quiz-Trade method to reinforce their understanding of various shapes and their attributes. The class also got creative by making compound shapes using basic 2D shapes and combining them to form new designs. To top it off, they went on a shape hunt around the classroom, spotting different shapes used in everyday objects. Finally, the students showcased their knowledge by creating posters that highlighted the properties of 2D shapes.
Year 5 Room 23 – Miss Mc Allister
In the final week of Term Three, there’s no rest for the busy bees in Room 23! Students have been hard at work on their final display copies of biographies about famous scientists. We have got a range from Isaac Newton to Marie Curie!
In Mathematics this week, we dove into the world of averages—mean, median, mode, and range! We took our learning outside and measured the distance of T-Ball throws within our faction groups. It was like the Olympics! After measuring the throws with trundle wheels and recording the data, students worked together to work out all four types of averages. The results were in: Red Faction came in 4th place with a mean of 26.4m, Gold Faction snagged 3rd with a mean of 28.1m, Green Faction took 2nd place with a mean of 30m, and Blue Faction triumphed with a whopping mean average of 35.6m!
As swimming lessons come to an end, it’s been fantastic to see the students splashing around and developing their swimming skills.
Keep up the great work, everyone and enjoy your holidays!
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