Centre School for Excellence 2023-2026
Affirmation ∼ “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation” – Brigham Young
Dear Parents/Care Givers,
To our wonderful P&C Team who perform magical events for us all to enjoy, year in and year out. I congratulate Michelle Morley and her Executive for taking on positions once again for 2024. The 2023 year was marvelous with so many great events carried out by the P&C – they have helped build a culture of cooperation and support in our community. Thank you so much.
A big thanks to outgoing Mel Watts for her part in shaping the P&C team and support for the children in this school. Thank you, Mel.
School Events
· Master Plan – the Executive for the School met with Dept of Education and architect to discuss the future of the school’s buildings and extension needs. It was a fruitful meeting with clarity gained in what needs to occur next and timing proposals. We will inform the community as soon as we know more about plans and schedules.
It is very exciting and we are pleased with the collaboration with the Dept of Education.
Traffic Flow and Parking
On Wednesday of this week, I once again witnessed dangerous driving by some of our parents. Cutting the corner on the wrong side of the road is dangerous at the best of times, but when children are crossing over the intersection of Bushy Gardens, it becomes sheer luck that someone is not killed.
I don’t know what to say anymore. Having lost a child to driving lunacy, I am well aware of the agony that occurs when accidents occur to our children. Please do not carry out dangerous driving around the school or park where you should not – please do not be the person who, for the sake of a few minutes of patience, creates an accident outside our wonderful school.
It is only twenty minutes in the mornings and afternoons that we need to be super careful and patient.
Our School
· NAPLAN occurs from 13 March to 25 March in several classrooms throughout the school. if visiting the school during teaching times, please be aware of the need for silence for these children in Years 3 and 5.
· Our new MCS commences on 18 March at Caladenia – Sue Iskra is her name. We look forward to welcoming her to our school.
· This is a 9-week term and ends on Wednesday 27 March for students and 28 March for staff.
· Term 2 is an 11-week term – starts 15 April and ends 28 June
Have a great weekend.
THOUGHT: “The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know.” – Michel Legrand
Ted Nastasi
School News
There will be NO crossing guard in attendance on Friday the 8th March and Monday the 11th March on Boardman Road. Please cross the road with caution.
Harmony Week Family Celebrations
Wednesday, 17th April 2024
Time: 3pm to 6pm
Venue: School Grounds
Mums and Dads, fancy the night off cooking dinner?
Come and join us at the school for an evening of Celebrating Harmony Week – ‘Living in Harmony’
There will be lots of food trucks, music, and a chance to spend some time with family and friends. Bring a picnic rug and enjoy.
Pyjama Day
On Friday 1st March, the Caladenia Student Executive’s hosted the first PJ day for 2024. Students and staff that participated raised $ 1549.10
What a fantastic effort everyone. The donation will go towards Telethon – a charity where kids have the chance to support other kids.
This will be our third year where students at Caladenia have connected and supported Telethon.
Teddy Bears Picnic
Last Friday, 1st March, the Year Ones held their annual Teddy Bears Picnic! Lots of bears came to enjoy the day with our students and their parents. We had a fabulous time eating our picnic lunch and chatting with each other.
For some added excitement, it was also Pyjama Day! Miss Jacobsen looked very happy and comfy in her pyjamas and enjoyed the day as well. Mr Nastasi came to see us and talked to our students and their parents about the teddies. We are pleased to announce that no teddies were naughty and will be invited back to school another day.
Student Achievement
Athletics West Little Athletics State Championships are being held this weekend and Imogen in Year 4 has qualified in 3 events – 100m Sprints, 70m Sprint and 60m Hurdles – a huge achievement in her first year of Athletics.
During the season, Imogen has won Gold and Bronze at Club Championships with Turbo Javelin and Shot Put respectively and in Zone Championships finished 5th in 100m, 4th in 70m and 5th in 60m Hurdles.
We wish her all the very best for State Championships this weekend.
At Caladenia, we love showcasing our students’ sporting achievements and events, as well as any other interests that they would like to share with our Caladenia Community.
If you have something your child would like to share, please email along with photos to the email address below:
Class News
Year 2 Room 24 – Miss Tai
In our class, we have been learning addition with re-grouping in Mathematics. We have used resources such as visuals and concrete materials to support our learning. Room 24 students can now add numbers with re-grouping accurately. Come and ask us how to solve sums and we can teach you the rhymes to guide you.
Year 5 Room 11 – Mr Watson
There has been a lot of fantastic writing coming out of Room 11. We have been not only working on our handwriting whilst writing and planning texts, but also improving our typing skills too. These texts were printed and displayed for classmates to discuss and edit. We take great pride for our work and will be soon awarding some very eager pen license winners. Many of the texts that Room 11 has produced have been edited and praised by other teachers.
P&C and Community News
Save the Date
On Wednesday the 27th March, the P&C are hosting an Easter Breakfast. We will have more details to follow soon.
Art Club
Creative Kids Art Club are holding workshops for children in the upcoming April Holiday.
Kids Paint and Sip, Easter and Term 2 classes can all be found on the link below.
All of our art classes are taught by qualified and experienced specialist art teachers. For more information, please visit our website www.creativekidsartclub.com.au.
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