Affirmation ∼ “Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions, they pass no criticims.” – George Eliot
Dear Parents/Care Givers,
The Caladenia ANZAC Ceremony was a very touching and meaningful ceremony – it is great to know that our future generations feel strongly enough to care about the respect and dignity we offer our forebears for their service and generosity of giving their lives for us. The songs and talks were beautiful. Thank you to our Student Exec who ran the Ceremony – they were great ambassadors for ANZAC. Thank you too to Mr McIlwraith, Ms Ashby and Ms Connolly for making the whole event one of class and quality.
Travel Overseas
Being away from school term for long holidays or other reasons is not acceptable to the quality of education we offer your children – it is very difficult to connect the conceptual development of their educational understandings when they are away for up to three months at a time during term. Please make alternate arrangements because I am not permitted to approve your travel arrangements for more than a few days. Thank you.
Traffic Flow and Parking
Please walk to school as it is increasingly difficult to park and drive during that narrow window of time each morning and afternoon. Please be patient with one another and drive anticlockwise around the school and only drop off your children on the school side of the roads.
Caladenia Reflection
“Genuine care for the success and wellbeing of students is palpable. Staff contribute positively to a school culture of growth and respectful relationships, where professional, supportive and transparent structures empower them to discuss their views in an informative and collaborative way for the benefit of all students”.
“With a high regard for leadership support, a culture of connected practice with collegiate, professional and cohesive staff working in genuine collaboration, is evident across the school. Contemporary and sophisticated, a whole-school pedagogical framework articulates quality teaching.” (Public School Review 2023).
This statement originates from the Public-School Review Report 2023 carried out of Caladenia’s educational effectiveness status – the Report is formed from a full visitation from an external agency about how the school is performing in all aspects of academia, social and emotional student growth and community aspirations and expectations. The Report is exceptional with the maximum period to the next assessment of five years – most are around 2 to 3 years. We should all be very proud of our achievements we have formed together and the type of school we have grown together in Canning Vale.
Our School
· Reconciliation Week is in Week 7 of this term (starting 27 May). It is an appropriate time to give support and thanks to our First Nation People as the rightful owners of this land and to try to reconcile our differences of the past to be great citizens together with them, living in harmony and goodwill. The theme for the week is “Voice for Generations”.
· We have our next four Intern Schools for 2024-2025. These schools will be assisted by our Admin and Teachers to develop their planning and teaching quality over the course of the next twelve months. We are excited to start our second round of assistance of Interns next month.
Have a great weekend.
Sharing: “A culture of excellence has been expertly crafted by the Principal through a consistently articulated shared vision. Students are at the heart of decision making and the school demonstrates an unwavering focus on ensuring all voices are valued (Public School Review 2023)”.
Ted Nastasi
School News
School App
Our school App is called School Stream and you can download it for free. It is an essential resource for parents to have as we use the app for all communication. It is also advised to keep your notifications setting turned on as at times it may be the only way the school can communicate.
Scan the barcode below or Download the School Stream app today.
Student Achievement
A day to remember.
Olivia and Zineb, Year 5 set their alarms at 4:00am on ANZAC day, to attend the 5.30am dawn service at Riverton RSL, followed by a march organised by Canning City. Caladenia Primary school has taught their students to pay homage to ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day and the history surrounding these events. The services were consistently sombre, respectful and meaningful.
After all, the lessons we teach them today will shape the future generation of compassionate and understanding individuals. Lest we forget.
The young eyes were thoughtful and sincere.
At Caladenia, we love showcasing our students’ sporting achievements and events, as well as any other interests that they would like to share with our Caladenia Community.
If you have something your child would like to share, please email along with photos to the email address below:
If you have a child/ren born 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 you can now enrol for Kindy 2025. Download an application form from our website or call into the front office. Applications are by appointment only. Please call 6258 9350 to book.
Applications close Friday 26 July 2024.
Class News
Pre Primary Room 1 – Mrs Harper
In Pre-Primary this week we have been working hard on everything ‘Mum’. We have made gifts and written cards, that we hope our Mums all love. On Monday we brainstormed and came up with ideas on why we love our Mums and created wonderful pieces of work. The students drew portraits of their beautiful Mums and we have hung them up in the classroom. Please come and have a look!
Room 1 – PP1 wish all our wonderful Mum’s a Happy Mother’s Day!
Year 4 Room 29 – Mr Chandler
In Science, Room 29 will be conducting various investigations focused on undertaking fair tests. To grasp the concept of conducting a fair test, the students ran a clothing relay. Teams of varying sizes ran different distances and exchanged varying amounts of clothing while Mr. Chandler adjusted the rules throughout the race.
Room 29 participated enthusiastically, but soon realised the inherent unfairness of the race. Winners were declared amidst protests, prompting a discussion on the significance of conducting fair competitions. We used this experience to reflect on fair testing in Science and intend to apply our newfound understanding in the weeks ahead.
Year 6 Room 42 – Mr Johnson & Mr McCurrach
Room 42 has been working diligently on our persuasive writing. We have been analysing the impact that smoking can have on our health and researching evidence to support our arguments. The results have been impressive! Good writing is hard work – and the results speak for themselves.
We examined effective ways that we can deal with the peer pressure that sometimes is involved if confronted with the option to smoke or vape, developing a repertoire of responses to use in these situations.
We are proud of writing and the hard work that has gone into the editing and revising to complete our good copies.
School Board, P&C and Community News
Terry Healy Mother’s Day Raffle
We received a donation of a $200 Woolworth’s gift voucher from Terry Healy MLA (Member of Parliament for Southern River) and Sue Ellery MLC
(Member for South Metropolitan Region) to acknowledge the hard-working Mums of Southern River and their efforts within the community.
As a result, we held a FREE raffle where each student in school received one entry to win the voucher in time for Mother’s Day.
The winning ticket was Anika in Kindy Room 3.
We would like to thank Terry Healy MLA and Sue Ellery MLC for their generosity and for continuing to support the school.
Congratulations to Anika and her family.
Lost Property
We have a box of special lost property in the front office and ask if any student or parent is missing these items to pop in and see us.
Some of the items we have had handed in are:
· Students’ reading glasses
· Fitbits
· Keys
· Jewellery
· Purse
Wishing all our Caladenia Mum’s, Grandparents and Carers a very Happy Mother’s Day
Affirmation ∼ “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today”. Will Rogers
Dear Parents/Care Givers,
Harmony week was a resounding success for our students and families at Caladenia. The week consisted of many classroom activities designed to allow students to obtain a better understanding of our similarities and differences in our customs and cultural celebrations and dress. Students at Caladenia have a very healthy respect for their friends and classmates they work and play with every day. The Orange Day, Cultural Dress Day and the Harmony Day Assembly were fantastic events during the week-long celebrations. Our First Nations People showcased their pride in culture, history and importance to our cultural identity at Caladenia. The Cultural Food Day was organized to attract as many cultural foods as possible to the whole school community. The Food Trucks were a great success and attracted many families. The picnic-type atmosphere was beautiful with families (parents, children, grandparents and friends/relatives) sharing food and talk. A very huge thank you to Ms Asplin for her tremendous organization and set-up skills for the evening’s event. Thank you to staff who assisted on the night – the help was appreciated.
We are so fortunate in having such a wonderful mix of cultures in our school and for the wonderful way our students explore and accept each other’s differences so well in our large multicultural community. It is a rich and vibrant community and we should feel blessed with it – our lives are healthier and better for it. Living in Australia is an absolute pleasure. Thank you, all.
Travel Overseas
Please be aware that the number of families travelling overseas during the term for long periods of time (two weeks or in some cases, months) is becoming disturbing for the teachers and students at Caladenia. There are twelve weeks of holidays during the year to make travel arrangements. Missing two weeks of school or more is not allowed in accordance with the Education Act of WA.
There is an important outcome to these long breaks away from school each year and that is the amount of concepts and skills missed during the time away from school that the class is covering. Sometimes, these concepts cannot be “caught up” and students may miss the developmental stages of understanding in key concepts in English and Mathematics. Teachers will not be giving homework while students are away on long holidays. This is not possible. The Principal is not allowed to approve long holiday periods during term time – the Department of Education WA has policies and rules governing when students must be at school – please make yourself familiar with these rules and understand that it is not at the Principal’s discretion to approve these. Please make alternate arrangements for overseas travel whenever possible.
Traffic Flow and Parking
It may seem that Caladenia is the only school with traffic flow and parking issues – it is not. Most schools (Other than those with a falling enrolment/lower numbers) have the same issues and cannot accommodate all vehicles that want to come on site or park around the school. There are over 600 families on site and only some 70 bays onsite and on the roadways. Wet weather is an issue with a greater number of vehicles trying to access the site – it becomes congested quickly. We ask that as winter approaches, we all become a little more careful and patient around the school’s streets and carparks. Thank you.
Our School
- Mothers’ Day is coming up in Week 4 where the P&C will be busy with stalls selling goods to students for their wonderful mothers. Please be generous to assist the P&C and the children to support our families and the school.
- Please download the School APP to your phone/ipad/computer. It is very informative and provides ALL communications from the school to families immediately. Thank you
- Please try to attend the Assemblies – they are a great celebration of student achievement as well as showcasing some fun songs and who we are at Caladenia. It is a lovely time together with our community of families and students.
- Reconciliation Week is in Week 7 of this term. It is an appropriate time to give support and thanks to our First Nation People as the rightful owners of this land and to try to reconcile our differences of the past to be great citizens together with them, living in harmony and goodwill. The theme for the week is “Voice for Generations”.
- We love our new MCS, Ms Sue Iskra. She has been with us for a few weeks now and is a great supporter of the school already. We wish her well in her time with us (many, many years we hope).
- 3 June is WA Day and is a public holiday.
- This is a 11-week term and ends on Friday 28 June for students and staff.
- Term 3 is a 10-week term – starts 15 July.
Have a great weekend.
THOUGHT: You have to never look over your shoulder at honesty.
Ted Nastasi
School News
2025 Kindy Applications are now open.
If you have a child/ren born 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 you can now enrol for Kindy 2025. Download an application form from our website or call into the front office. Applications are by appointment only. Please call 6258 9350 to book.
Applications close Friday 26 July 2024.
Harmony Week Celebrations
Last week we held our Harmony Day celebrations. On Wednesday the 17th April our Community Event was a great success with many families coming along to enjoy the food trucks and conversations.
On Friday the 19th April, staff and students came to school in cultural dress. The diversity of the students outfits was a wonderful sight to see throughout our school.
Mothers’ Day Picnic
Day: Friday, 10 May 2024
Time: 12:30 – 1:30pm
Venue: School grounds
What to bring: picnic blanket, and own food to share with your children
Mothers’ Day Picnic for Kindy 2A (Room 2) and 3A (Room 3) Classes
Kindy 2A (Room 2), and 3A (Room 3) families,
To help celebrate Mothers’ Day this year, we are holding a Mothers’ Day Picnic.
We would like to invite the parents/caregivers of our Kindy 2A, and 3A classes to a Mothers’ Day Picnic on Monday, 6 May 2024. Please bring along your picnic blanket and your own food and enjoy some time with your child/children to celebrate this event.
Day: Monday, 6 May 2024
Time: 12:30 – 1:30pm
Venue: Kindy and Pre-Primary play area
At the end of the picnic, the children will return to classes to continue the rest of their school day.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to speak with your child’s class teacher.
We hope you can join us and look forward to celebrating this occasion with you all.
Student Achievement
At Caladenia, we love showcasing our students’ sporting achievements and events, as well as any other interests that they would like to share with our Caladenia Community.
If you have something your child would like to share, please email along with photos to the email address below:
Class News
Year 2 Room 12 – Miss Lewis (on behalf of Miss Manuel)
In Room 12 we have been learning how to measure objects in grams and kilograms using a variety of different scales. The students found different objects around the classroom to weigh and classify them as more, less or about the same as a kilogram. Additionally, students were able to read kitchen scales to measure approximate grams. The students enjoyed applying their knowledge to real-world applications!
Year 5 Room 15 – Ms Avery
Our young scientists in Room 15 have embarked on a journey to explore states of matter this term. In science classes, we dive headfirst into the mysteries of solids, liquids, and gases. From classifying mystery substances to exploring how liquids flow, our hands-on experiments are unlocking the dynamic nature of matter and its role in everyday life. Students are using their critical thinking and collaboration skills as they work together to pose questions and investigate.
Additionally, we are learning about the courageous ANZAC soldiers and their incredible sacrifice to protect our freedom. Through engaging lessons, thought-provoking discussions, and meaningful activities, we gain a deeper understanding of the significance of ANZAC Day and the values of courage, mateship, and service embodied by these individuals. We believe that learning about the ANZAC soldiers will not only enrich our knowledge of history but also inspire us to honour and remember the sacrifices made for our country.
P&C News and Community News
Bunny Breakfast
Our recent Easter Bunny Breakfast P&C was a resounding success, and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the turnout and support from our wonderful community.
The morning kicked off with the scent of delicious hot cross buns wafting through the air, accompanied by the laughter and chatter of eager children. Juice boxes were on hand to quench their thirst as they eagerly awaited the highlight of the event – a special visit from the Easter Bunny!
The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as children lined up to meet the beloved bunny, exchanging hugs, high-fives and a delicious carrot treat. The joy on their faces was truly heart-warming.
To add to the festivities was the Easter raffle draw, with an impressive 22 lucky winners walking away with fantastic prizes. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the winners and express our gratitude to everyone who generously donated items to the raffle and purchased tickets helping to support our school and its initiatives.
None of this would have been possible without the dedicated efforts of our P&C members and Mrs Asplin alongside parent and teacher volunteers. Their tireless work behind the scenes ensured that everything ran smoothly. We are immensely grateful for the commitment and generosity, which truly made the Easter Bunny Breakfast a success.
As we reflect on this wonderful event, we are reminded of the power of community and the joy that comes from coming together to celebrate special occasions.
Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to making our Easter Bunny Breakfast a day to remember.
Mothers Day
Volunteers Needed
Please contact the P&C if you are available to help on Stall days
P&C Meeting
Affirmation ∼ “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” – Mark Twain
Dear Parents/ Care Givers,
NAPLAN is over for another year and many thanks go to Mr McIlwraith for his brilliant organisation of the preliminaries and the smooth operation of the Tests. All students were tested regardless of ability in Years 3 and 5.
Thanks to parents for taking a little more care around the school driving and parking – our children are the winners with improved safety on the roads.
Thank you to our wonderful P&C for the very successful Icy Pole Days. Michelle and her team of helpers do a fantastic job in providing our community with fun events such as this. Thanks, everyone.
Thank you staff for a wonderful term – we are working really well together – great team effort.
School Events
- 27 March P&C Bunny Breakfast at 7.45am in the undercover area.
- 27 March – last day of school for Term One
- 28 March – School Development Day for Staff (Moderation with Wattle Grove PS)
- 28 March – School Teams for Interschool Sports Carnival (students in Teams will be bused from Caladenia to the venues at 8.30am and picked up by parents from Caladenia at 2.30pm
- 15 April – all students back to school for Term Two
During the holidays, we are expecting work to commence on new walkways to connect transportable classrooms to the main school so students will not get wet during winter. These walkways are at our own cost. Students will have covered protection for their bags and gear when these are completed.
Centre School For Excellence
As one of five schools in WA that are Centre Schools of Excellence, Caladenia will be inviting the next four schools to be Intern Schools that we will be training for improvement in teaching over the next twelve months. We are proud of our achievements and parents should be delighted with our level of academic and social/emotional development of our children at school.
Our excellent Public School Review is on our website for you – it explains clearly and accurately why we are great at educating our children at Caladenia. The Dept of Education WA and the Minister have bestowed the status of Centre School for Excellence.
We have made big improvements in our communication with parents over the past year or so. We want to continue that process. Please let us know how we can make improvements in our communications with you.
Also, please know that we do take your opinions and ideas seriously and we do activate these as we know of them, so keep those channels open and working well. We can’t fix what we don’t know and we can’t adopt rumours – come and talk and you will see that we do take you seriously and actively listen. Thank you for working with us to make this school as great as we can together.
Thought: It takes a village to raise a child.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you all.
Ted Nastasi
School News
Harmony Week Family Celebrations
Wednesday, 17th April 2024
Time: 3pm to 6pm
Venue: School Grounds
Mums and Dads, fancy the night off cooking dinner?
Come and join us at the school for an evening of Celebrating Harmony Week – ‘Living in Harmony’
There will be lots of food trucks, music, and a chance to spend some time with family and friends. Bring a picnic rug and enjoy
Class News
Year 3 Room 25 – Miss Rowe
The heat has been turned up in Room 25! We have been learning about how different items melt and freeze. We learnt that in this extreme heat we can take extra precautions to keep items cooler for longer. The most important thing that our investigation taught us was that ice cubes and hairdryers are not friends!
Year 5 Room 38 – Mrs Smith
Exploring Light and NAPLAN Adventures in Year 5
Room 38 has been buzzing with excitement as the Year 5s dove into various learning adventures! From exploring the intricacies of light to tackling the NAPLAN tests, students have been engaged in a multitude of enriching experiences.
In science, we have been captivated by the mysteries of light. Students have been investigating how light travels and exploring the formation and properties of shadows. Through hands-on activities, such as creating and measuring shadows, the students have gained a deeper understanding of light and its behaviour. They have also had the opportunity to craft periscopes, allowing them to witness firsthand how light can be reflected and redirected.
Additionally, our Year 5 students recently participated in the NAPLAN tests, showcasing their skills and knowledge in various subjects. The tests provided a valuable opportunity for our students to demonstrate their academic growth and readiness, and we are incredibly proud of their efforts and achievements. As we continue on our learning journey, we look forward to more exciting experiences and discoveries in the year ahead.
MAC Science Investigations
Inspired by the theory that 13.8 billion years ago matter in space combined to create the universe, MAC has been investigating whether forces of attraction exist between solids within different physical mediums.
Repeated, controlled experiments along with time lapse videos were used to demonstrate how objects cluster differently.
Students observed that plastic and Styrofoam consistently formed much larger clusters than counters or paper, while matchsticks and straws mostly attach by their endpoints. Given time, all objects floating in water eventually cluster and then move around like a single entity.
Investigations are ongoing, however MAC theories on clustering include entropy, water viscosity, static electricity and external forces. MAC is still learning how the forces of attraction may apply to the massive collision of Hydrogen and Helium atoms during the formation of the universe.
P&C and Community News
Bunny Breakfast
Wednesday 27th March
7.45am – 8.15am
Undercover Area
Hotcross Buns $2
Hotcross Bun with fruit drink $3
Enjoy some music and games
Last minute Easter raffle tickets before being drawn
Throughout the year we hold a number of fun events and activities for Caladenia children such as icy pole Fridays, discos, stalls and BookClub deliveries. We would like to reach out to our families and ask you to register your interest in volunteering. Then, when we have an event coming up, we will reach out to you to see if you are available to assist. There is no obligation to join the P&C, anyone can volunteer and no obligation to attend if you are unable to assist at the time.
You can register your interest by emailing or messaging 0406360621. Or drop a note into our P&C box which is located in the office with your contact details.
Without volunteers we cannot run these events, so please consider registering.
We look forward to working together to create a fun and supportive community for our children.
Centre School for Excellence 2023-2026
Affirmation ∼ “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation” – Brigham Young
Dear Parents/Care Givers,
To our wonderful P&C Team who perform magical events for us all to enjoy, year in and year out. I congratulate Michelle Morley and her Executive for taking on positions once again for 2024. The 2023 year was marvelous with so many great events carried out by the P&C – they have helped build a culture of cooperation and support in our community. Thank you so much.
A big thanks to outgoing Mel Watts for her part in shaping the P&C team and support for the children in this school. Thank you, Mel.
School Events
· Master Plan – the Executive for the School met with Dept of Education and architect to discuss the future of the school’s buildings and extension needs. It was a fruitful meeting with clarity gained in what needs to occur next and timing proposals. We will inform the community as soon as we know more about plans and schedules.
It is very exciting and we are pleased with the collaboration with the Dept of Education.
Traffic Flow and Parking
On Wednesday of this week, I once again witnessed dangerous driving by some of our parents. Cutting the corner on the wrong side of the road is dangerous at the best of times, but when children are crossing over the intersection of Bushy Gardens, it becomes sheer luck that someone is not killed.
I don’t know what to say anymore. Having lost a child to driving lunacy, I am well aware of the agony that occurs when accidents occur to our children. Please do not carry out dangerous driving around the school or park where you should not – please do not be the person who, for the sake of a few minutes of patience, creates an accident outside our wonderful school.
It is only twenty minutes in the mornings and afternoons that we need to be super careful and patient.
Our School
· NAPLAN occurs from 13 March to 25 March in several classrooms throughout the school. if visiting the school during teaching times, please be aware of the need for silence for these children in Years 3 and 5.
· Our new MCS commences on 18 March at Caladenia – Sue Iskra is her name. We look forward to welcoming her to our school.
· This is a 9-week term and ends on Wednesday 27 March for students and 28 March for staff.
· Term 2 is an 11-week term – starts 15 April and ends 28 June
Have a great weekend.
THOUGHT: “The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know.” – Michel Legrand
Ted Nastasi
School News
There will be NO crossing guard in attendance on Friday the 8th March and Monday the 11th March on Boardman Road. Please cross the road with caution.
Harmony Week Family Celebrations
Wednesday, 17th April 2024
Time: 3pm to 6pm
Venue: School Grounds
Mums and Dads, fancy the night off cooking dinner?
Come and join us at the school for an evening of Celebrating Harmony Week – ‘Living in Harmony’
There will be lots of food trucks, music, and a chance to spend some time with family and friends. Bring a picnic rug and enjoy.
Pyjama Day
On Friday 1st March, the Caladenia Student Executive’s hosted the first PJ day for 2024. Students and staff that participated raised $ 1549.10
What a fantastic effort everyone. The donation will go towards Telethon – a charity where kids have the chance to support other kids.
This will be our third year where students at Caladenia have connected and supported Telethon.
Teddy Bears Picnic
Last Friday, 1st March, the Year Ones held their annual Teddy Bears Picnic! Lots of bears came to enjoy the day with our students and their parents. We had a fabulous time eating our picnic lunch and chatting with each other.
For some added excitement, it was also Pyjama Day! Miss Jacobsen looked very happy and comfy in her pyjamas and enjoyed the day as well. Mr Nastasi came to see us and talked to our students and their parents about the teddies. We are pleased to announce that no teddies were naughty and will be invited back to school another day.
Student Achievement
Athletics West Little Athletics State Championships are being held this weekend and Imogen in Year 4 has qualified in 3 events – 100m Sprints, 70m Sprint and 60m Hurdles – a huge achievement in her first year of Athletics.
During the season, Imogen has won Gold and Bronze at Club Championships with Turbo Javelin and Shot Put respectively and in Zone Championships finished 5th in 100m, 4th in 70m and 5th in 60m Hurdles.
We wish her all the very best for State Championships this weekend.
At Caladenia, we love showcasing our students’ sporting achievements and events, as well as any other interests that they would like to share with our Caladenia Community.
If you have something your child would like to share, please email along with photos to the email address below:
Class News
Year 2 Room 24 – Miss Tai
In our class, we have been learning addition with re-grouping in Mathematics. We have used resources such as visuals and concrete materials to support our learning. Room 24 students can now add numbers with re-grouping accurately. Come and ask us how to solve sums and we can teach you the rhymes to guide you.
Year 5 Room 11 – Mr Watson
There has been a lot of fantastic writing coming out of Room 11. We have been not only working on our handwriting whilst writing and planning texts, but also improving our typing skills too. These texts were printed and displayed for classmates to discuss and edit. We take great pride for our work and will be soon awarding some very eager pen license winners. Many of the texts that Room 11 has produced have been edited and praised by other teachers.
P&C and Community News
Save the Date
On Wednesday the 27th March, the P&C are hosting an Easter Breakfast. We will have more details to follow soon.
Art Club
Creative Kids Art Club are holding workshops for children in the upcoming April Holiday.
Kids Paint and Sip, Easter and Term 2 classes can all be found on the link below.
All of our art classes are taught by qualified and experienced specialist art teachers. For more information, please visit our website
Centre School for Excellence 2023-2026
Affirmation ∼ “Animals are like little angels sent to earth to teach us how to love. They don’t get angry or play silly games. They are always there for us.” – Whitney Mandel
Dear Parents/Care Givers,
Thank you to all families for helping us have a smooth start to the year. Children and staff have blended beautifully and are forming strong and lasting relationships. We are grateful to all new staff for the wonderful way they have committed to our beautiful school and the feedback from them is that they enjoy the school’s culture and support they are given by our school community.
Thank you for your understanding in the recent heatwaves we have experienced – these extreme conditions place an enormous stress load on power and it happens that the overload causes issues at times. We keep the students safe and hydrated – any issues with heat stress is reported to parents immediately. Thanks.
The Welcome to Caladenia afternoon last Friday was very successful with many parents meeting new families and staff members. These celebrations help us to bond as early as possible with families so that everyone feels that they are part of the larger family of Caladenia. Thanks to the Executive Team for their work to make this event happen – staff are great cooks.
School Events
Thanks to the staff and P&C for the wonderful Christmas Markets last term. I believe it was fantastic. This term, we are planning for the
- P&C AGM is on Monday 26 February in Staff Room
- Planning Meeting with Dept Education for feasibility plans for Caladenia
- Centre for Excellence program Intern Schools at Caladenia 28 Feb
- Pre-Primary and Primary Meet the Teacher –thank you for the great turn out of parents
- NAPLAN – 13 March to 25 March
- Moderation Day with Wattle Grove PS – 28 March (no school for students on this day).
- Summer Carnival Day has been scheduled by the Nicholson Network of Schools for 28 March and was changed from the 26 March without warning. This has unfortunately caused us some concern as we have a School Development Day on 28 March and this is set with another school and cannot be changed as the authority to have these SDD are approved by the community through the School Board.
As a consequence, we will be asking parents to drop off students at various venues on 28 March. We will inform families closer to the date when we know who is a competitor in the Carnival from Caladenia. We do not want to disappoint our students, and this is a way of keeping them in the competition with their peers. Thank you for your understanding.
Repeat – Traffic Flow and Parking
The City of Gosnells request that all school families observe traffic rules around the school – the Ranger will be visiting our school in the mornings and afternoons during the term to observe traffic flow and rules of parking. The Ranger requests
- Do not park in a Kiss and Drive bay or NO STOPPING, NO PARKING areas
- Do not double park
- Do not drive on the wrong side of the road for ANY distance
- Do onto park on the nature strips/lawns around the school
- Do not park against the flow of traffic
- Do not stop or park in bus bays
- Always be aware of children on roads and footpaths, grassed areas
- Walk or cycle/ride to school
- Always stop on the school side of the road so your child is not crossing the road
- Use the crosswalk at all times
- Use parent parking on school site properly – be quick so others can also access the parking
- Do not block driveways
- Do not park on footpaths
- Don’t get frustrated – it doesn’t help and children will be the losers if you “lose it”
- Observe the 40km/hour speed zone – it is there to protect your children
A fine will be imposed of $100 for not observing the above and $500 for parking in a Disabled Parking Bay
Our School
· Our ANZAC Day ceremony/Assembly will be held on 24 April
· This is a 9-week term and ends on Wednesday 27 March for students and 28 March for staff.
· Term 2 is an 11-week term – starts 15 April and ends 28 June
Thank you for entrusting us with your loved ones. You need to know, that no matter what you hear, our care and love for your children is real and constant. We will never do anything that would endanger their well-being or their dignity. Are we perfect? No. Do we try hard to do our very best we can? Yes.
Please come and let us know how we are going when you wish. If you let us know face-to-face, we can do our very best for you and keep you informed along the way on how we are progressing your problem/issue. You will always get a calm and respectful hearing, no matter the topic.
THOUGHT: “If animals spoke, humanity would cry.” – Manuj Rajput
Ted Nastasi
School News
Student Achievement
Last weekend Cherilyn in Year 3 competed in the LiveLighter Kingsway WA Badminton Tournament. Cherilyn won in the Under 11 Girls’ Singles category. Well done Cherilyn and congratulations on your achievement.
Don’t forget to download our school app.
Class News
Year 1 Room 32 Mrs Heinzman
It’s Teddy Bear fortnight for the Year 1s and Room 32 have been super excited about bringing their favourite Teddy Bear to school. This week, we have drawn and written about our class bear, Buddy. We wrote about Buddy’s yellow fur and the picture of a sun on his belly. We decided that he loves happy people and but doesn’t like the colour grey.
In Maths, we had a great time measuring our own teddy bears with blocks, straws and popsticks. We compared the length of our bears against those of our classmates. We also ordered some numbered bears from 1-20 and found the missing numbers in between!
There are so many more activities we will be doing with our bears next week. And we can’t wait for the Teddy Bears’ Picnic on Friday 1 March!
Year 6 Room 39 – Mrs Wingfield and Mr Bailey
In Room 39 we have really enjoyed designing and creating our “All about Me” T-shirts during the first few weeks of school. It has been wonderful to share and learn more about each other and our favourite things. “Today you are YOU, that is truer than true. There is NO ONE alive that is YOUER than YOU!” Dr Suess.
School Board, P&C News and Community News
The P&C AGM will be held this Monday, 26th February at 7pm in the Staff Room
Everyone is welcome to come along!
We have several scooters in the front office that have been found and handed in. If you are missing one, please see the front office staff.
Centre School for Excellence 2023-2026
Affirmation ∼ “No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” – Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society
Dear Parents/Care Givers,
To all of our 2023 families, welcome back to school and to all our new families starting at Caladenia in 2024, we wish you the very best of experiences in our wonderful school. We also welcome some new staff members to our school. They have fitted in beautifully and are well on their way to becoming familiar with the way we do things at Caladenia. This is already shaping to be an exciting and wonderful year and we are looking forward to sharing the many experiences with you. I am so glad to be back at Caladenia after an extended LSL break in Europe for three months. The autumn colours and the winter snows were awe-inspiring and so much fun. I return with a fresh and changed perspective, knowing what is important and what is not. We have already put into effect some changes that will become obvious this year. What a wonderful start to the year – students have settled in well regardless of the extreme hot weather.
School Events
Thanks to the staff and P&C for the wonderful Christmas Markets last term. I believe it was fantastic. This term, we are planning for the
- P&C AGM (date to be advised)
- Centre for Excellence program to continue with our four Intern Schools graduating at the end of Semester 1 in June
- Pre-Primary and Primary Meet the Teacher – to be advised
- Kindy Meet the Teacher – 21 February
- Assemblies – Senior Assembly Yrs3-6 on 8 February and Junior Assembly Yrs1/2 on 16 February.
- NAPLAN – 13 March to 25 March
- Moderation Day with Wattle Grove PS – 28 March (no school for students on this day
New Staff
The following staff are new to our school in 2024 and we warmly welcome them to our Caladenia family – we wish them a successful and long association with us:
- Cody Lam – Yr 5 teacher
- Rebecca Chan – YR 2 teacher
- Erin McAllister – Yr 5 teacher
- Haidee Acton – Yr 1 teacher
- Katia Stirling – Visual Arts teacher
- Zac D’Souza – Yr 3 teacher
- Catherine Sein – support teacher
- Brent McCurrach – Yr 6 team teaching with Mr Johnson and PE
- Lachie Bailey – PE and team teaching with Ms Wingfield
- Elizabeth Seng – support teacher
- Heidi Butler – School Officer (Front Office)
- Nick Wheatley – Gardener
- Susannah Iskra – Manager Corporate Services (commencing in Week 7)
Traffic Flow and Parking
The City of Gosnells request that all school families observe traffic rules around the school – the Ranger will be visiting our school in the mornings and afternoons during the term to observe traffic flow and rules of parking. The Ranger requests
- Do not park in a Kiss and Drive bay or NO STOPPING, NO PARKING areas
- Do not double park
- Do not drive on the wrong side of the road for ANY distance
- Do onto park on the nature strips/lawns around the school
- Do not park against the flow of traffic
- Do not stop or park in bus bays
- Use Kiss and Drive bays as DROP-OFF only
- Always be aware of children on roads
- Walk or cycle/ride to school
- Always stop on the school side of the road so your child is not crossing the road
- Use the crosswalk at all times
- Use parent parking on school site properly – be quick so others can also access the parking
- Do not block driveways
- Do not park on footpaths
- Don’t get frustrated – it doesn’t help and children will be the losers if you “lose it”
- Observe the 40km/hour speed zone – it is there to protect your children
A fine will be imposed by Rangers for not observing the above and for parking in a Disabled Parking Bay.
Our School
- This is a 9-week term and ends on Wednesday 27 March for students and 28 March for staff.
- Term 2 is an 11-week term – starts 15 April and ends 28 June
We wish all families the happiest and most joyful year at Caladenia. We will do everything we can to ensure children get the very best from us all. Enjoy your children’s educational journey.
Thank you.
THOUGHT: Patience is rewarded with kindness.
Ted Nastasi
School News
School App
Our school App is called School Stream and you can download it for free. It is an essential resource for parents to have as we use the app for all communication. It is also advised to keep your notifications setting turned on as at times it may be the only way the school can communicate.
Student Achievement
Senudi (MAC)
Australian Junior Chess Championships 2024 were held in Glenunga International High School, Adelaide, SA from 13th January to 21st January 2024. Senudi, representing Western Australia, participated in Under 10 Girls’ competitions. Senudi performed brilliantly and emerged 1st Runner Up in Australian Under 10 Girls’ Chess Championship.
In addition, Senudi also became the Australian Champion of Under 10 Girls’ Blitz Championship and won the 3rd place in Under 10 Girls’ Chess Problem Solving Competition.
Senudi, with her brother Yonal, released their first original song and official music video on 28th January 2024. This song, titled “Nangi Mage Katakaari”, is about the siblings’ love. This song is available on YouTube if you wish to view it. Well done and congratulations Senudi.
Class News
Year 6 Room 17 – Miss Jansen
We are off to a great start in Year 6 as we were tasked as a cohort to analyse car registrations. Together we came up with predictions about which number and letter may be the most common in WA car number plates. We were then sent off to investigate the two staff car parks. We applied our mathematical skills by tallying our results and presenting these results in graph form. We also reflected on our results and came up with the conclusion that 1 and H were the most popular number and letter amongst car number plates in the Caladenia Staff Car Parks. We look forward to doing more exciting projects like this in year 6!
P&C, School Board and Community News
Book Club
Book Club orders close next Friday the 16th February. Online orders only through the Loop.
2023 Caladenia Christmas Market
The Caladenia Primary School’s Community Christmas Market unfolded into a resounding success, enchanting the local community with festive cheer.
Hundreds flocked to the event, brimming with joy as they explored the vibrant stalls showcasing handmade crafts, delectable treats, and unique holiday gifts.
What set this market apart was the heart-warming addition of children hosting their own stalls, where their creativity shone through personalized crafts and imaginative goodies.
Beyond the stalls families delighted in a variety of free activities enjoying performances from the school choir and local musician Saskia Doran, whimsical face painting by teachers and students to close encounters with fascinating reptiles and the charm of an animal farm. The Animal Protection Society also played a pivotal role promoting awareness and fostering a sense of compassion within the community. Adding to the merriment was local Member of Parliament Terry Healy showcasing his festive spirit by skillfully crafting balloon animals.
The atmosphere was alive with laughter and the spirit of giving, making it a memorable celebration for all who attended.
The P&C’s meticulous planning and the community’s enthusiastic participation made this Christmas market a truly unforgettable and inclusive community event.
Thank you to everyone who dedicated their time and commitment to making this event one to remember we couldn’t do things like this without the support of the school and incredible teachers.
We hope you all enjoyed your afternoon with us!
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