Affirmation ∼ “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” – Mark Twain
Dear Parents/ Care Givers,
NAPLAN is over for another year and many thanks go to Mr McIlwraith for his brilliant organisation of the preliminaries and the smooth operation of the Tests. All students were tested regardless of ability in Years 3 and 5.
Thanks to parents for taking a little more care around the school driving and parking – our children are the winners with improved safety on the roads.
Thank you to our wonderful P&C for the very successful Icy Pole Days. Michelle and her team of helpers do a fantastic job in providing our community with fun events such as this. Thanks, everyone.
Thank you staff for a wonderful term – we are working really well together – great team effort.
School Events
- 27 March P&C Bunny Breakfast at 7.45am in the undercover area.
- 27 March – last day of school for Term One
- 28 March – School Development Day for Staff (Moderation with Wattle Grove PS)
- 28 March – School Teams for Interschool Sports Carnival (students in Teams will be bused from Caladenia to the venues at 8.30am and picked up by parents from Caladenia at 2.30pm
- 15 April – all students back to school for Term Two
During the holidays, we are expecting work to commence on new walkways to connect transportable classrooms to the main school so students will not get wet during winter. These walkways are at our own cost. Students will have covered protection for their bags and gear when these are completed.
Centre School For Excellence
As one of five schools in WA that are Centre Schools of Excellence, Caladenia will be inviting the next four schools to be Intern Schools that we will be training for improvement in teaching over the next twelve months. We are proud of our achievements and parents should be delighted with our level of academic and social/emotional development of our children at school.
Our excellent Public School Review is on our website for you – it explains clearly and accurately why we are great at educating our children at Caladenia. The Dept of Education WA and the Minister have bestowed the status of Centre School for Excellence.
We have made big improvements in our communication with parents over the past year or so. We want to continue that process. Please let us know how we can make improvements in our communications with you.
Also, please know that we do take your opinions and ideas seriously and we do activate these as we know of them, so keep those channels open and working well. We can’t fix what we don’t know and we can’t adopt rumours – come and talk and you will see that we do take you seriously and actively listen. Thank you for working with us to make this school as great as we can together.
Thought: It takes a village to raise a child.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you all.
Ted Nastasi
School News
Harmony Week Family Celebrations
Wednesday, 17th April 2024
Time: 3pm to 6pm
Venue: School Grounds
Mums and Dads, fancy the night off cooking dinner?
Come and join us at the school for an evening of Celebrating Harmony Week – ‘Living in Harmony’
There will be lots of food trucks, music, and a chance to spend some time with family and friends. Bring a picnic rug and enjoy
Class News
Year 3 Room 25 – Miss Rowe
The heat has been turned up in Room 25! We have been learning about how different items melt and freeze. We learnt that in this extreme heat we can take extra precautions to keep items cooler for longer. The most important thing that our investigation taught us was that ice cubes and hairdryers are not friends!
Year 5 Room 38 – Mrs Smith
Exploring Light and NAPLAN Adventures in Year 5
Room 38 has been buzzing with excitement as the Year 5s dove into various learning adventures! From exploring the intricacies of light to tackling the NAPLAN tests, students have been engaged in a multitude of enriching experiences.
In science, we have been captivated by the mysteries of light. Students have been investigating how light travels and exploring the formation and properties of shadows. Through hands-on activities, such as creating and measuring shadows, the students have gained a deeper understanding of light and its behaviour. They have also had the opportunity to craft periscopes, allowing them to witness firsthand how light can be reflected and redirected.
Additionally, our Year 5 students recently participated in the NAPLAN tests, showcasing their skills and knowledge in various subjects. The tests provided a valuable opportunity for our students to demonstrate their academic growth and readiness, and we are incredibly proud of their efforts and achievements. As we continue on our learning journey, we look forward to more exciting experiences and discoveries in the year ahead.
MAC Science Investigations
Inspired by the theory that 13.8 billion years ago matter in space combined to create the universe, MAC has been investigating whether forces of attraction exist between solids within different physical mediums.
Repeated, controlled experiments along with time lapse videos were used to demonstrate how objects cluster differently.
Students observed that plastic and Styrofoam consistently formed much larger clusters than counters or paper, while matchsticks and straws mostly attach by their endpoints. Given time, all objects floating in water eventually cluster and then move around like a single entity.
Investigations are ongoing, however MAC theories on clustering include entropy, water viscosity, static electricity and external forces. MAC is still learning how the forces of attraction may apply to the massive collision of Hydrogen and Helium atoms during the formation of the universe.
P&C and Community News
Bunny Breakfast
Wednesday 27th March
7.45am – 8.15am
Undercover Area
Hotcross Buns $2
Hotcross Bun with fruit drink $3
Enjoy some music and games
Last minute Easter raffle tickets before being drawn
Throughout the year we hold a number of fun events and activities for Caladenia children such as icy pole Fridays, discos, stalls and BookClub deliveries. We would like to reach out to our families and ask you to register your interest in volunteering. Then, when we have an event coming up, we will reach out to you to see if you are available to assist. There is no obligation to join the P&C, anyone can volunteer and no obligation to attend if you are unable to assist at the time.
You can register your interest by emailing or messaging 0406360621. Or drop a note into our P&C box which is located in the office with your contact details.
Without volunteers we cannot run these events, so please consider registering.
We look forward to working together to create a fun and supportive community for our children.
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